Thursday, May 08, 2008

A few kid stories

Haley and Gracie....

Gracie spent the night the other night and in the morning this was the conversation I over heard...
"my mom is thirty!" Haley says PROUDLY. :)
"well, my mom is older than your mom and my mom will ALWAYS be older than your mom" she states proudly... I had to side with Gracie on that one... sorry Deanne :)

ANOTHER Haley and Gracie....

This was a conversation I had with Haley yesterday. Background info... her kindergarten class is throwing a mothers day tea for us moms tomorrow and the girls have been picking out there outfit and talking about what they are going to wear all week.
"You know mama, Deanne is going to wear her wedding dress to the mothers day tea."
"She is huh?" thinking to myself, yeah, right.
"That is what Gracie said."
"Oh ok."
"So, mama, can you wear your wedding dress?"
"Oh, ahhhhh, I don't think I can fit into it."
"Because i have gotten bigger."
"So, mama, you can pin it."
crap, I think to myself, how do I get out of this.... "You know, I am not sure where my wedding dress is, Haley."
"So, can you borrow Nana's wedding dress?" She says so innocently and sweet.
"Oh Haley, I don't think Nana knows where her dress is either. Sorry hun."

Hunter story...

Remember when he said that he was the funniest.... (if you don't look back a few blog entries ago) This is a conversation Hunt and I had at family camp.
"Mom, I don't want to be funny anymore." He says so quietly looking at the bug on the ground.
"You don't? Why?"
"I don't want to be funny anymore. I want to be handsome."

Now if you tell him he is funny, he will correct you and tell you that he is not funny, that he is handsome.


Helen said...

Hey Stef, you can borrow MY wedding dress. I know where it's at and everything. :)

Little girl conversations are so cute.

Joi Copeland said...

I absolutely love your kids! Wanna come over next week for a playdate?

psmith said...

Hunter is funny AND handsome if you ask me!
Hey...I know where my wedding dress is! Trust me it won't fit you OR me anymore! It is now a beautiful shade of fadded yellow! Just great for spring! heehee