Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cool LOST link

YouTube - smolesiuk's Channel

The other day Jim and I randomly found this guys YouTude video on secrets of LOST and his ideas and it was REALLY interesting.... I was telling a few folks about it today at the park so I thought that instead of sending this link out via email I would post it on my blog. He does a recap and deep thought into each episode....

Interesting.... at least


Erin said...

That just totally blew my mind! How does that guy know so much? He must watch eash episode a hundred times in slow motion or something. Crazy.

Gina said...

Oh....watching it now! Cool stuff...good find.

Rachel said...

I'll have to check it out. I am always reminding Mike about what happened way back when and so on. Maybe I can watch the videos and have a bigger edge!

Julie said...

Is it sick that I'm right there with him? I know way more about this show than is healthy!