Friday, March 14, 2008

A week strong

Ok, so I have gotten up EVERY morning at 6am... Yay me... but I have some thoughts... I love being ready and alive when my kids get up but see then the problem comes later when I turn into the wicked witch of the west.... will my body get use to this new schedule?

Also... here are some questions I have and want to hear from other moms out there so PLEASE comment and let me know...
- What time are your kids bedtime (lights are out)?
- Do they take naps?
- what time do they get up in the morning?

I ask because I am dragging Haley out of bed every morning and she is such a night owl...we put her to bed at 830 but she lays in bed awake for who knows how long... she gets no nap.


Jessica said...

My little guys go to bed between 8-8:30 and the older boys get an extra half hour. No naps. The get up around 7:00.

Jennifer said...

My younger two (20 months and 5 months) go to bed by 7:00pm. The baby takes 2-3 naps during the day and wakes up at 6:00am. Seth takes one afternoon nap and wakes up at 7;00am. Kya (3 yrs old) on the other hand wake up at 7:00am, takes on afternoon nap and goes to bed anytime between 8 and 10pm.

Anonymous said...

We put Nicholas down at 7:30 on the dot. Kaylee starts getting ready for bed at 7:30 in bed by 8pm. She get up at about 7 ish. No nap. Only one for Nicholas at 12 noon. Kaylee has room-time after school. I understand the dragging the kids out of bed... they get up early, they just don't function until an hour later. I find my kids sleep better when they have alot of "outside play" or even physical activity. It's healthier for them too.

Erin said...

I know I don't have a kid Haley's age, but I thought I would comment, not only because you asked, but becuase you said please in big, bold letters. Jacob goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and Caden is a half an hour after him. Jacob takes two naps (one between 9 and 10 and another one around 2). Caden takes a long nap after lunch. They tag team waking up at 6, the other one will sleep until 7. I'm trying to figure out when they discuss whose going to wake up at 6 and break up the evil meeting, but I haven't figured it out yet.

Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

Zach is usually up at 7, Nate 8. Zach takes nap #1 around 10-11, I try to get them both down 2-4ish. Zach is back to bed around 8 and Nate is 8:30 or 9 depending on when Ryan gets home.

Carrie said...

My boys are up sometime between 6:30-7:00. Both go to bed between 8:00-8:30 and around 1:00 both take naps or have quiet room time in the afternoon.

Matt, Becky, Eric, Ryan, and Kelly said...

Mine (3.5 & 5 yrs) are up between 6 and 7 every morning - sometimes 5:30 though. And ready to eat and play the second their feet hit the floor! Ryan always has a nap at about 1. Eric has one sometimes, other times just lays there (but he always has to rest). They're both in bed by 8:30, sometimes 9 if Matt is coming home early to see them. Kelly is on relatively the same schedule but hers is more flexible since she's still little.

Megan said...

Madilyn (almost two) takes one nap for up to three hours in the afternoon, goes to bed at 8:30p and wakes up around 8a. I like the 8a thing. :)

Rachel said...

Aubrey, almost 3, sleeps between 11-12 hours at night. 7:30 bedtime, and takes a 2 hour nap, on days without naps, she goes down at 7:00.

Ainsley, 11 months, goes down around 6:00-6:30, and I get her out of bed at 7am, she wakes up happy sometime after 6:30. She has two naps that equal between 3-4 hours of daytime sleep.

I don't get anyone out of bed before 7am, regardless of when they wake up. They've learned it is everyone's best interest for Mommy to get up at 7am. Of course if there was a painful scream or something I would go in, but generally Ainsley talks to herself, and if Aubrey wakes up she sits behind her door with her blanket making faces in her mirror!

Anonymous said...

Well my little guy is prob irrelevant cause he's so little and you've got big kids but he goes to bed between 8/8:30 and gets up anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30. He takes 3 naps. For some reason he's been a good napper lately. Each one is like 1 - 2 hrs.