Thursday, March 06, 2008

My Random Brain...

Here are just some random, venting things...

Nursing a baby with teeth is NO FUN. Advice?

I LOVE hearing, "Sorry mom...." Hunter calling from the hallway bathroom... "I missed!"

Kitchen counter top grout... YUCK

Knowing that Jonah pooed just by looking at the BACK of his outfit because it leaked.

When my dog BURPS in my face...

When my dog sneezes and CRAP comes flying out and it lands on my BARE knee....

When the kids dump the sand out of their shoes on the carpet...

Not having a vacuum to vacuum it up right away :)

Arriving to school to pick up the kids and realize that you forgot to put your shirt back on from feeding your baby so you are standing out there in only a nursing tank top undershirt thing... Nursing pads on and all... NICE

There... thats good for now right?


The Cavanaugh's said...

If he starts to bite, smother him in your boob until he releases. Sounds mean, but always worked for me. It never took long for mine to get the picture. :)

Rachel said...

Fortunately both my kids were toothless until 10 months or so, so no biting here. I do love the thought of you at the school bearing it all! I'm sure no one even thought anything of it.

Erin said...

Caden bit me a few times but everytime he did I would scream, not voluntarily but because those little rabbit teeth hurt like a mother! Anyway, my screams scared him enough that he would let go and then he stopped. You should try it! :)

Matt, Becky, Eric, Ryan, and Kelly said...

Everytime mine bit me I'd say NO, unlatch em, and put them down for a second. They cry for about 10 seconds and then I put em back on. It only happened about 3 times and they never did it again. That worked for all 3 of my kids.

Oh and at least yours tells you he missed!! I just go in and find it later :).

Anonymous said...

OMG That post made me laugh!

I like this comment window thingy. Maybe I'll change mine.

Missed you today at the photo shoot. I hope everything is okay!