Sunday, February 01, 2009

One big Liar

I got my drivers license the other day.  Finally. :)  
Anyways, I went to fill out my info... brown eyes, brown hair, 5'4'... Then came the question of weight.... I lied... The lady looked at my weight and asked me, "IS this how much you really weigh?"  I didnt lie that much, but I was still insulted. The girl said that she always asks the question and that everyone tells her that they lie.  She even admitted to lieing herself.  So my poll question this week is ... By how many pounds (less) does your license say you weigh compared to how much you really weigh. 

By the way... I never answer my poll questions right away... I always wait for someone(s) to answer first... 


Rachel said...

Your quiz doesn't have my answer. I weigh 2 pounds more than my license says. But I got it when Aubrey was 3 months old, and I believe I weighed 7 pounds more than what I said. I rationalized it because I still had baby weight on at the time. Hopefully in three months it will be 10 pounds too much though! Go Team Skinny!!!

Michelle said...

That is so funny! I just lied on mine too! The last time I got it was years ago so it was way under what I am now...which is 20lbs more...but I still put 9lbs less than what I am currently. I never lie about my weight. I don't know why I lied when it came to my license. LOL! I ditto Mike and Rachel! Hopefully I'll be 10 lbs less by May...CANCUN here we come!!!

Megan said...

That's sooo funny that the DMV lady asked you . . . I had a renewal this December and I lied too . . . I told the guy at the counter that I was lying . . . I imagined why it was ok, if I were a criminal and my stats needed to be posted on the news, a few pounds less wouldn't change who I was . . . besides, I want to lose a few! Ha. I wish this post was anonymous because my husband reads this blog! :)

Helen said...

I've had my driver's license renewed by mail for so many years I think mine says 10 pounds off. Eventually, I'll have to go in to the DMV again and then I'll have to make it up - or go on a diet. :)