Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring is here...

Flowers are blooming like crazy!  In California you get smog reports... or levels... whatever, here, you get pollen levels... You can literally see pollen flowing in the air.  Our deck has yellow powder all over it like dust.. instead, its pollen....
Here us a really cute picture of Rainn, Rachael and Chad's daughter.
Haley posing silly.... This is right outside in our front yard
Rachael and Chad came over to help Jim out with some computer things and we had pizza and fun.  This is just outside out back door to our backyard.  I am not sure if you click on the picture if you can see Jonah's head  where he fell.... I will take a better one tomorrow and try and post it for you all. 

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I remember the first time I saw the cotton fly here...I was looking for the trucks full of chickens because I thought it was chicken feathers flying in the air.