Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Are there Cinderella dresses in Heaven?"

Haley always asks questions... about the signs along the road, why it takes FOR EVER to have a baby, why is she the oldest... She asks about God all the time. Asks about Heaven and where He lives... "what kind of food does He like? Will there be yogurt in Heaven? What about Jelly Beans?"

After my Aunt past away, she would ask things like... "we need to take to Susie when we go to Heaven, I think she is missing it." This Sunday started out the same. "Why did Jesus die on a cross? Will I have to die on a cross too?" We try and answer her the best we can. I have underestimated my daughter and her brain. I would try and answer her in a way where I think she will understand.

Later in the car she tells me, "Mom, I know why Jesus died on the cross."
"Because He died for our sins?" she says so matter of fact.
I didn't realize she knew the word sin so I ask, "What is sin?"
"Bad chooses we make sometimes."
"Yeah, you're right Haley."
"Jesus lives everywhere."
"He can live in our hearts."
"Yeah... does he live in yours?" I am asking to see if she even knows what she is talkign about.
"I don't know... I want Him to."
"Will He can if you want Him to"

So that night she prayed for Jesus to come in to her heart. She was so cute about it. So childlike in her faith. She was so excited afterwards she wanted to call the world. Then she turns to Jim and asks, "Dad, does God have princess dresses for me to wear in Heaven? Like Cinderella?"

I got a little sad. I know that sounds weird, but something about her innocence and blind faith just stuck me so sweet! I didn't (and still don't) want her to grow up and learn what a cruel world it can be out there. I don't want her to get to that point where her innocence is lost. I want to keep her in a bubble that keeps her this age all the time (hey and me my age too)... but I know that isn't what I am called to do as a mother. I know I need to let her grow and learn about life and encourage her and be there for her as she learns about the real world. All I can hope for and pray for is that she keeps that faith, that childlike faith.


Rachel said...

I was a little sad reading your post too. It is awesome that your daughter gets it, but I too was overwhelmed with the reality of that, and the fact that we cannot shelter them from this world forever.

psmith said...

Haley has a precious heart for GOD....I am not surprised one bit that He is on her mind and she wants to know Him. What a blessing and at such a young age! Praise God! You two are fantastic parents to have helped in making God so real to her and someone she wants to know! She WILL make a difference for HIM in this world!

Megan said...

Thank you for sharing the wonderful news and the precious story about Haley. She is so special and your mom is right; Haley will be a light for Jesus.