Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why everyone should use gmail...

I love gmail... I just learned (thanks jane) how to subscribe to blogs... now when ever people update their blog, I get it sent to me! It was so easy... SO I am now taking my links off :). I have subscribed to all the links of my friends and then some :).... SO FUN!!!

The other reasons I love gmail....
- I can chat with my other gmail friends
- it keeps track of all my contacts
- it is cool... duh!!!!


Megan said...

But I use your links to access the greater blog world!!! Now I have to remember how to add links to mine, or find a new blogger to link up with, boo hoo. But I'm happy for you! But won't you miss the excitement and wonderment as you click on a specific blog with the hope and anticipation that they added a new post? As you can see, I'm clearly not ready to let go of my links.

Rachel said...

I'm with you Megan! Although it would cut down on my internet time, I like checking blogs to see if something is new. I have loved reading up on my old friends without gettting caught up in the myspace world.