Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Our first trip to the eye doctor...

I am very familiar with eye exams :)... the last time I was there (end of last year) my eye doctor told me, "Next time the DMV wants you to take the vision test... make sure you take your time with your right eye because you probably wont pass...) NOW, I can totally drive... I have a good eye... but, apparently, if you fail with one eye, they make you go to your eye doctor and get a note saying you can see and it just makes it a pain....

I have a lazy eye! Even with contacts on, I cant see very well with my right eye. He told me this is hereditary and that I should bring my kids in for an eye exam. I told him the ages of my kids and he said kids that have parents with poor eyes like me should bring them in once they are 3years old. We have GREAT eye insurance (with my eye sight, you have too) so I said... why not.

So I brought Haley and Hunt in today for an exam... BRAG MOMENT: They usually use pictures for kids, however my kids were more interested in the letters, so he used letters :) ... Haley passed with flying colors (of course).

HUNTER... They first tested him and he passed... then they had him cover his right eye - testing his left. He passed... NO PROBLEM. Then they covered his left eye - testing the right. He couldn't see the board. He hit the ladies arm to move the block on his left eye, "I cant see, move" he says to the lady. Nice proud mom moment.

The doctor said, "I dont like to give 3 year olds glasses... I really dont." so he did MORE tests... dilated his eyes even... After many tests.... he decided it was in our and Hunter's best interest to have him wear glasses. He said that it looks like his eye is turning in and the glasses will only make his eye stronger. He inherited mom's lazy eye :(.

It broke my heart... When I called Jim to tell him... I felt so guilty and bad!!! I think the doctor did too because he came out and helped Hunter pick his glasses.... They had a poor selection (the doctor said that)... I wanted some cool, hip glasses like his uncle scoby... but they were too small for Hunts head :(... He ended up with the pair below....

The girls in the office thought Hunter was so cute... they compared him to the Jerry McGuire kid... :)

Any tips on keeping glasses on a 3 eyar old?


The Smith's Canvas said...


Hunter looks adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hunter looks so cute. Good luck keeping the glasses on him.

Love you,

Megan said...

Well its a good thing you took him in Stef, he's so cute.
They should have these stiff rubber hook like things that wrap around his ears to stay on. Carly had them. :)

Joi Copeland said...

Oh my gosh, he looks so stinkin' cute! Love it! Way too cute, Stef!

Kyle, Deanne, Lauren, Gracie, Isabel, and Sophia said...

Buy cheap glasses (Sams çlub, etc.). Merrick goes through about 2 to 3 a year. Talk to Dawn, she might have good ideas.
P.S. Hunter looks really cute.

Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

Nate thinks Hunter's glasses look like Superman (Clark Kent)
I think he looks cute.

Carrie said...

He looks like such a sophisticated little man! I love the look! It's better to get it taken care of now than to wait until it was a bigger problem. Such a cute little boy! And I have to say that I love the little boy from Jerry McGuire. I quote him quite often.

Jessica said...

Sorry he has to have glasses but at least he looks adorable with them on!

psmith said...

What can I say...I'm very fond of little kids in glasses....I've raised a few myself! hee hee
Hunter is adorable and does look like the kid in Jerry McGuire...only cuter! His Nana would love him even if his eyes were poked out! :)

Michelle said...

I agree with your Mom, he's definitely cuter than the Jerry McGuire kid. "Let's go to the zoo" LOL! I just got glasses at then end of 2007 (at 26!) and have always liked guys who wear glasses too. Hunter just looks "cooler" now. :) <3M