Starting on Thursday night, we met up with some friends at Down Town Upland Market place thing... I think that is what it is called. We walked around, ate dinner, hung out... it was fun. I hadn't been there since high school which is only two years ago :)... The pictures from the market place are the two of Haley and her best buddy
Saturday morning Jim decided to paint the ceiling in our kitchen. A week ago a good friend, Sam, took down this disgusting looking light fixture down in our kitchen and put up recess lighting up. We love it. All we had to do was paint over where the light fixture was. Easy right? Jim used the same paint the painters who painted our house when we moved in used. When he was done with the first coat and last coat :), I hear this faint call for my name. I come into the kitchen to see this... (The picture) it was oil based paint and wouldn't come off.... it was pretty funny... he couldn't use his hands. Anything he touched he turned white and sticky. Lesson learned here... DO NOT use oil based paint, AND gasoline will take off oil based paint, NOT WATER...
And to our final picture...
last night, kids are in bed (so we thought) and Jim and I were up just chilling in our den watching TV. We hear Hunter’s little voice and we turn around to see him covered in baby powder. He hadn't been sleeping at all... He was playing with baby powder all over his floor.
It's always the guys who make the messes! Owen is in this coloring on everything phase, walls, dressers, dolls... just everything. The pics of Logan and Hay-Hay are super cute!
Yes, Zachary did that with powder when he was little too! But, just be glad it wasn't DESITIN! That is some nasty stuff to try to clean out of clothes, carpet, shoes, the rocking chair. If I ever wanted to cause physical harm to Zachary, it was the day he emptied a rather full tube of Desitin all over himself and his room!
Dad saw the picture of Jimmy on the blog and said "I'm going to have to teach that boy to paint." :) Of course, he said by phone. :) He hates to paint.
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