Jim decided to take a day off from work to go to Magic Mountain with Me, Jenna and his brother Len. I have not been there in over 8 years! WOW... it really has changed. Not only have there been MANY rides added to the park, the park has also gone a bit down hill in the appearance. Liter everywhere, line cutters, interesting people... nothing like our beloved Disneyland :). Jenna, who isn't a huge rollercoaster fan, was a great sport and went on quite a few rides!
The middle picture is sideways :) oops... but it is of the Riddlers Revenge. Very fun!!! Our favorite ride (If I can talk for all of us) was Goliath which went 85mph. It has a drop in the beginning that makes you feel that you have lost your stomach FOREVER! It is SOOO long! GREAT FUN!!!
(Thanks mom for watching the kids so Jim and I could go play)
Jenna... I think that is a great picture of you and Len. The guy behind you guys is pretty funny!
My favorite ride was Dejavu
Yeah, I haven't been to Magic Mountain since that "Senior Ditch Day" we had 10 years ago! :) Glad you had a good time
The last (and only) time I was there was when Jimmy was 4 or 5 years old. :) It looks like you all had a great time. Glad you got to go before they tear it down.
Dan has done one post on our blog and plans to do another soon. I think you should make Jimmy post since I see he has commented.
Are they really tearing MM down? Leah
My pleasure! The kids were great!
I actually did not comment. That was Stef commenting for me. But it looks like I have commented now huh?
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