I think it is so funny how the toys that were in when I was a little one are in now for my daughter. Strawberry Short Cake, My Little Pony's (as shown in the picture with Haley), Care Bears, Cabbage Patch Kids... Haley is in a big My Little Pony stage. She just got a new pony for cleaning her room all by herself for the first time. She had wanted it and had been asking for it, and then tonight asked Jim, "Well, could I earn the pony?" How can you say no to that! :) Hunter got match box cars (as seen in the picture) for helping dad clean his room. (I really think Jim did most of the work :))
The other Hunter picture is of him with his favorite toys on the planet - animals... He loves animals and will walk around with five at a time just carrying them. He does play with them too. He is quite cute to watch!
The final picture is the current drawing Haley did yesterday.

now i know we need to get him back his earless zebra. Very Vincent Van Gogh, both the Zebra and Haley's beautiful drawing. I hope we can come down again soon and spend more time with you guys. Last month felt like a very short visit. And of course you can always mosey back on up here.
Those are some adorable kids! I can't get enough of them!
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