Haley just drew this five minutes ago. Incase you cant read what I wrote on the paper... She drew a picture of Deanne (pregnant with Sophia), Me (pregnant with Haley), Mindi (Pregnant with kaylee) and Nana (Pregnant with Uncle Scoby). I thought this was way too cute!
Haley is sweet. Her heart is just so innocent and kind. She loves to make cards for people, and send them in the mail (which this is so often that we draw on our own stamps... they really don't go in the mail all the time). When she hears that someone is sick, she wants to make them something, or give them something to make them "smile". If I am laying on the couch not feeling well... she brings me her favorite blanket, her favorite doll, and caresses my cheek asking me if this helps me to feel better.

The picture with the three people holding hands is her and her friends playing ring around the rosies... Under the rainbow and sun. At this time in drawing people (A month ago) she didn't focus to much on bodies. The line across their forehead is their eyebrows :).

This is a picture she drew yesterday of a really big flower which sometimes is an animal. :) She has an imagination.

This picture is on my mother's day card she gave me. She can write her name (on the card it isn't her best). It is her flying a kite. (The word kite was written by Jim)

This is a picture of Haley with our newest dog, Lucy. She likes to treat her as if she is her very own toy. The dog, of course, doesn't like it! But it made for a cute picture :).
stef... That is soo cute! Haley is so cute. What a creative gal! way to go Hay Hay!
Hayley is a sweetie! I love the picture of you all pregnant. Is it my imagination or does Nana look a little dazed? Can't blame ya' there Pam. :)
Kid art is the best art!
What a talented girl! Boy, Nana would have a hard time being pregnant with uncle "Scoby" at her age! YIKES!
Haley is showing signs of her mama's talent!!!
Love, Nana
they are sooo beautiful!!!
i luv them!!
i a can't wait until skool starts it is soo boring stayin at home all the time!!!
soo i will talk to you l8r
send mii an email!!!
luv ya
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