On another note...
We had our yard sale today... the one to raise money for our travels to Georgia. Our first costumer came at 515AM. YES.... THAT EARLY... I got up at 5 (dogs barking)... I finally made it to the living room by 515 and peeked out my window cause I thought I saw my dads truck and I thought... wow, my dad and mom came early to help.... then I looked harder (aka, put on my glasses) and saw that it wasnt my dad, it was an old mexican man with a flash light ready to shop!
We did NOT let the guy shop till we were ready! :)
Over all it was a really good day, as far as yardsales go. We were DONE by 1030.
Thank you, those of you who came and helped us out... either by bringing stuff for us to sell or for coming and buying our crap, I mean our treasures.

AND one final note...
I am sick... :( Keep me in your prayers.... When I open my mouth it looks like I have a pimple on my tonsel... (my left one to be exact). It is NASTY! But seriously... with our move coming soon, I really want to get well fast. AND that my kids dont get this... I havent been to the DR yet... I know what I have and I think I can get better by myself :).... but seriously, if I am not better by tomorrow I will go to the Urgent care...
1 comment:
It was a crzy busy, fun weekend! Love that Haley girl! Can't believe she is 6! Hunt-man and Joe - Joe are pretty darn cute too!
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