For Haley's birthday... we had a SMALL gathering of family and a few amount of friends... FEW. With moving... I didn't want the stress of a huge party or two little parties... so I combined them.
Carrie made Haley the Diamond Castle for her cake. When Haley saw it she said to me, "Mama, it is just like I imagined it to be!" Thanks Carrie!!! She loved it and it was one of her many highlights of her day!
Look at Haley's tired face! (Dirty too) She had a GREAT DAY!
Haley holding her youngest cousin, Scarlet Rose!
Brothers with their kids...
Grandbud enjoyed hanging with Joe!
Haley got a TON of Littlest Pet shop goodies... She has been playing with them NON-stop! She even puts them to bed at night... cute!
Pin the tail on the Donkey! :)
I have to share one story about this game... Each older kid was blindfolded... OK... well, when it was the small kids turn, we didn't bother blind folding them... When Nick went to put his tail on the donkey, he went right for where it is suppose to go... older sister Kaylee came over to help Nick by telling him to put it on his ear... so he did... seriously... I thought that was pretty funny!
Aww we miss everyone!!!
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