My computer is crap. It is just old. It is slow... It is HUGE.... I it is about five years old... which isnt that old... but we got it for a few hundred... and got the cheapest run down version there was. The monitor is HEAVY and bulky.
Maybe my issues are user problems... FINE... I know I am not the most computer literate gal out there...
So jim and I were talking about what we would want to buy if we had money (key word here - HAD). He wants a batting cage.... practical... :).... I want a NICE apple notebook. I dont care how big the screen is :). So now I am saving up my money for a new apple. Just thought I would share :)
How many have an Apple? Do you like it? Recomend it?
I was drooling over the new Macs when my computer crashed! I wanted one of the laptops until I saw the desktop. The screen is brighter, better and HUGE, plus they cost about the same as a laptop. Someday!
LOVE my apple. I have an apple computer, a laptop, 2 iphones, 2 ipods, and an i something that Chris watches little movies on. We love apple. Not bragging, just wanted you to know how much we love apple!
We're REALLY happy with our iBook. We got all the viruses, blah, blah computer drama with our other computer. Not so with this one! Worth saving for!
I just got one for my birthday. It's so nice and there are soo many features I haven't even touched. LOL! I need training! It seems so much more complex than my PC but everyone says the opposite. I just have to use it more. :)
Alright, I'll stick up for PC's.
PC's are great. In fact, my bro-n-law did have a crash on his Apple. It wasn't a virus as they claim to not have, but nevertheless it did crash and it was forgiven because he bought another Mac.
But he has a vested interest, he buys their stock. I think its the Ford/Chevy, Canon/Nikon, scenario. They are both good for different reasons. Ask yourself what you need in a computer and see which one fits your need the best for the best price and warranty. I'm not a computer genius.
Love our iBook!
Come to the Mac side! The rest of the world is eventually. I like it because it can do more creativly so I think it's better for mommies.
It's like everybody's dream computer. Why didn't you borrow some money to buy a new one instead? It would be a great choice for you, whether in the office or just at home.
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