Their boys... Wes and Wyatt
We wen to the Zoo! It rained... but it was warm and we made the best of it...
Wes and Hunt
All of us (minus Bill) at the Dolphin show. It was fun hanging out together!
While we were up there... I took a side trip to go visit my friend, Kim, who lives 9 miles from Carrie's parents. Kim and I were teaching partners in California!
JIm and Joe in the back yard
We shared so great laughs... It was hard to say good bye... especially when you arent quite sure the next time you will see them will be. None-the-less I will never pass up a chance to see a good friend!
I love this picture of Haley and Wes... they look SOOOO grown up!
We had SO much fun! Thanks for making the drive to come see us! Great memories
Is Kim's last name ElRite? I think she was my teacher in 6th grade... Small world! LOL!
you saw kim! what fun!!!
and Haley's hair is sooo cute!!!
love and miss you!
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