For lunch we went to My Uncle Roger and Aunt Pam's house for a BBQ. It was delicious...

Rodger and Pam live like five minutes from us. Above is Rodger with Joe and Hunt. Jonah loves the boat floaty thing Pam got for him to use.

Get your sunglasses out... me, glowy white chick, next to the tan goddesses... Me with Pam and her sister.

After hanging with the McElrea's (Pam and Rodger), went to the Harris' for dinner... and fireworks.

Jonah riding on Lukes Gator... :)

Crystal and Jamey got fireworks and put on a show for us :)

We roasted marshmellows... This is Hunters roasted marshmellow :) HE likes it white :) but claims it is roasted... but cold... :)

The kids, crystal and I (me - well, that is kinda a different story in and of itself) caught Fire flies (AKA Lightening bugs). Crystal got Haley and Hunter to catch these slow moving flying bugs... I tried... I actually caught one opened my hands up to put it in the jar, and I screamed... I REALLY struggle with bugs... :)

After a FULL day, the kids fell asleep in the van on the way home.
I love that the girl from southern california is the whitest one! I am that same shade of white.
oh my gosh... the kids sleeping in the car.. soo cute!
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