This is Jonah, "riding" Hunter's scooter... In the grass... :)
Every Easter Jim likes to dye eggs with the kids...
Sunday was the Braves first official game... We went to have dinner at Scott and Jenny's house. It was fun... we even had a stripper... Jonah :)
Haley did an easter egg hunt at school and the way the teacher did it was that each kid got assigned a word and they could only collect the eggs they found with their word on it. I thought it was pretty cool.... new idea anyways...
Lately when my kids come home with a balloon from somewhere, they draw a face on them, name them and then play with them as their "friend". I liked this picture of Hunter with "Buddy" ... my kids get quite attached and when the air gets low (or say, mom accidently pops it) they get really sad....
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