Our friend, Jamey, came over to help Jim set the trap for the squirrel(s) that live up in our attic. At least we are hoping it is squirrels... if it isnt, then this rat has big ol' poo. Anyways... Our landlord dude came over to drop off the trap for the varmint, and had this big smile on his face explaining that once we catch the critter, we can do with it as we please.... I asked him what this meant and he said, (with a smile) "you can shake the cage til he dies, or you can get a gun and shoot him at point blank... " so in other words, when he said we can do with it how ever we want, he meant we could KILL it anyway we want.... WOO.... JIm and I had no idea what to do so we called our friend, Jamey, to help us out. He went up in the attic with Jim to look around for the best place to set the trap.... While doing this, he found poo.... BIG poo.... He said that it was TOO big to be a rats... so he is PRETTY sure it is squirrels who are coming up there. Squirrels, I dont mind so much..... RATS... I DO MIND.... Anyways.... the trap has been up there for a week now and NO CRITTER... We hear the squirrels.... but they are smart... Hunter hopes we catch it so we can have a pet squirrel.... Hopefully he wont be too crushed when I tell him that squirrels dont really make for good pets.
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