Wanna hear about my day yesterday? Well, if you dont, then dont read :)
It was a rainy, stormy day and haley was off on spring break, so we decided to have a lazy day. We all were in our PJ's and just chilled... no cleaning... just relaxed. I scrapbooked, the kids played... it was really relaxing...
The kids were dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba... UNTIL...
BOOM... followed by a loud scream... I ran into the living room to see Jonah covered in blood with a hole in his head walking towards me. He had fallen on the edge of the fireplace. I froze in shock. I dont do blood!!! AND there was a TON of it... I quickly grabbed the nearest thing I could (Haley's leggings) and put it on his head. Haley ran to the freezer and brought me a bag of frozen veggies... Jim was at work. I called him... couldnt remember what I said... then I remembered scott was off (which is amazing since he works 60 hours a week) so I called scott. He lives 3 minutes away. I dont remember what I told him but he came right away. Apparently I didnt tell him about the head wound because he was in shock when he saw Jonah.
When Scott arrived I had all the kids in the car loaded and ready... I ran upstairs to grab my shoes (and a few other clothing garments that were missing due to lazy day)... then we were off to the Urgent Care.
When we got to the Urgent care I jumped out to take Jonah in when I realized that the shoes I grabbed for myself were Haley's shoes... so I had NO SHOES (remember, it is RAINING).
Scott was a huge blessing... He was calm and great.
I remembered that my friend, Rachael, was childless for the day and Chad, her husband was off, so I called her to see if she could pick up the kids from the Urgent care so they didnt have to see their mom a wreck. When Rachael and Chad arrived... Rachael saw my bared feet and took off her shoes and gave them to me to wear.... she took off her sweater and gave it to me. The kids were happy to go to their house to play.... THANKS RACHAEL AND CHAD! Scott had offered to take the kids home, but at this point, Jim wasnt there yet and I needed his calm presence to help me out!
The nurses were great... very calming. They reassured me that he was doing great. He had stopped screaming and eventually wanted to get down to play. He didnt loose too much blood and never lost conscienceness
Jimmy arrived and then Jenny all in time for the stitches...
Jimmy was in the room when they stitched him up, the doctor had asked me to leave... :) because I had already been too emotional. Scott sent Jenny and I for a walk around the building so we wouldnt hear Jonah's screaming...
Jonah ended up with 6 internal stitches and 8 external stitches. We go back on Wednesday to get them removed.

When we got home, the storm was getting worse. Then there was TORNADO watch.
On the weather channel it told us that Flowery Branch was minutes away from getting hit by a funnel cloud... there were sirens going to warn us... (it wasnt as scary as it sounds... strangely)... So we headed to the basement.

I brought my lap top and a movie, Bolt, and we watched a movie.... It was kinda fun... The storm really only got as bad as thunder and lightening (which I am use to now). The wind here has never been as bad as the Santa Ana's I am use too... so really... it turned out to be fun family night in the hallway!

I learned a lot yesterday...
1. Always get fully dressed even on Lazy Day... because you never know...
2. Head wounds bleed a LOT... and may look worse then it actually is.
3. Tornado watch isnt as scary as an Earthquake. Because when you are hit with an earthquake (if you are like me) you lay in bed that night wondering if that was a pre-tremor to the BIG ONE... where as when tornado watch is over, you can go to bed and sleep without real worry of a surprise. (At least this is based on my one experience)
4. Keep my laptop charged so that when you have to go downstairs in a rush, you can entertain the kids with a movie...
5. Yo Gabba Gabba is the worst...
6. Protecting your fireplace with a big thick quilt doesnt fully protect from head wounds...
7. It is nice to have family and friends that live close by!