Mandy, Adam and Wyatt (their son) all came out to the east coast to have a vacation with his family. They flew out of Atlanta. So on their way home we met up for lunch in Atlanta. It was GREAT to see them. Wyatt is a doll.... Hunter fell in love with him. They held hands :). To quote Hunter when he first met Wyatt, "WE have a cousin named Wyatt in California." - so carrie, I guess we are sisters???

We went to The Varsity which we were told is compared to In-n-out. But really.... it doesnt :). In-n-out still gets my vote.

Haley was soooooo quiet and shy. It makes her come across rude.... Like when I introduced her to Mandy, she wouldnt even acknowledge her existence.... what do you do with that??? REALLY any suggestions???? Do you make her talk?

Hunter has the opposite problem... He talks to EVERYONE. the people behind us... this is Hunter, "Hi.. My name is Hunter and I like Thomas the Train."

It was really nice to see some friends out here!
We tried a wanna be In-N-Out out here too, I don't remember the name, but it was a baseball themed place. Yeah, not so much. We totally map put IN-N-Out locations before we travel west.
Aubrey is pretty shy at first too, but I have no idea what you do about it. I just quietly apologize to the parents.
Jonah is getting so big!
i realized i haven't been checking your blog much lately..i need to get better with that - & my own for that matter....
so here's my input on haley...not that i'm a parent but i was soooo much like that when i was little, except that i wouldn't ever warm up to people outside my family.
what NOT to do (what my mom did): attempt to force her to talk - when we went to mcdonald's (my fav as a kid) she would say that i needed to order for myself if i wanted something to eat. i was stubborn enough that i would rather not eat than have to talk to someone i didn't know.
ideas of what to do: talk to her about it, possibly discuss how she feels meeting someone that is friendly and how it feels to meet someone that is silent??? maybe have some kind of incentive thing where if you find her in friendly moments with someone, there's some sort of reward for that. maybe with stickers - when she earns 5 she earns something then up it to 8/10 etc...you know teacher stuff. :)
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