Jenny's sister, Hayley, or as my kids have come to call her, Aunt Hayley (it sounds better then big Hayley) came out for a visit. She got a new camera and took some amazing pictures of my kiddos.... She took some natural photos... following them around... haley probably is the only one would could pose if asked... the boys just didnt want any of that. She took about 100 of them... I just picked these three... I still need to look threw them all to pick my favorites to print :)
Thanks again Hayley! It was great seeing you! I love the pictures... thanks
Oh, these are adorable!
I love the pictures!!! Aunt Hayley is really talented.
Hayley is so talented but...she was working with the cutest kids on earth! LOVED those can a lonesome Nana get copies???
Does she take professional pics? These are great!
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