Having my parents here was fun... they did stockings with us!

my mom brought her stockings from home.

The kids had set out donuts for santa.... it is so funny we never really focused on Santa.... Christmas has been abut Jesus. Haley asked Jim if Santa was real and he told her no. She got upset and began to argue with him telling us that santa is real and that if she took the polar express she would hear the bell. It was so cute... so now, because of the Polar Express... she thinks we are all scrooges. It is sweet and I loved watching her excitement when she saw that santa ate some of the donuts she had laid out. She also laid out food for the reindeer. :)

Haley surprised the whole family with pictures in our stockings... she drew each of us our own picture and placed in it our stocking a while back. She is so sweet.

I will post christmas pictures once I down load them... these past pictures are from my moms camera.
So far, Aubrey has put Santa in the same category at The Backyardigans or Elmo. He's on TV, not in your house. It worked out nicely since she has thanked us up to 500 times for the gift that was meant to be from Santa :) I do think at some point she will want to believe though. I love the way someone will ask my daughter about Christmas and she says we give presents to celebrate Jesus' Birthday.
I love seeing all your Christmas pictures and how cute of Haley to draw pictures for everyone.
Hi there...it was so nice to talk to you the other day. I love you tons and miss being able to just "pop" by and visit. I hope you know I am still always here when you need a shoulder or an ear...
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