So we got a fake tree this year.... we thought we were getting something bigger... but once we brought it home and set it up... it wasnt quite what we had in mind. First.... branches fell off :). Second... I had to use the phrase... "See that wire sticking out, be careful).

On top of the tree looking so.... Charlie Brownish.... my back was SCREAMING! SO I wasnt having fun. (Look at the stocking holders.... they are trains).

The kids.. however, had a BLAST and love our tree!!! Which totally makes it all worth it!

Jonah loved to take the ornaments down once we got them up! Fun. He also loved to put them in his mouth. We got Hunt's Thomas the train table out and set the fake tree up on it. That way it isnt right on the floor within Joe's reach. He can still touch it... but it is at least not too easily accessible.

Believe it or not the tree is 6 ft. We have tall ceilings.... The tree is a bit thin :) and have WAY to many ornaments and lights on it... but you know what... my kids love it anyways!
Merry Christmas!
I didn't realize your charlie brown tree was fake! It looks cute! I love the pic with no flash! PRETTY!
Glad Jonah's stocking looks good...all your decorations look great! Can't wait to get there!
It's impossible to put too many lights on a Christmas tree! I like your skinny fake tree. :)
Maybe your tree needs a name. How about Chuck?
I agree with Erin, you can't have too many lights on a Christmas tree. It looks very festive.
The kids love it and thats the most important thing!
Our tree has way too many ornaments on it every year! I keep trying to hide all the hand made ornaments they all made in Elementry school, but they find them anyway and insist on putting them on our over crowed tree. Even Jenns old ornaments have pride of place.
We all miss her this year.
I love your stockings! They are beautiful. As far as the tree, if you decide to go back to fresh trees, you can put your fake one someplace else and let the kids have a blast decorating it. Have a great Christmas! I am glad you are surrounded by family.
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