Great Aunt Bonnie and Nana... With Joe in our new living room

Our yard.. looking out at the breakfast nook.

Our big rig showed up at 1pm when it was pouring rain. Our drive way is much steeper then we thought from the pictures we had seen... so the truck couldnt make it up the drive way. He (the truck driver) parked out on the street... until the cops showed up and made him move. So he went to the closet grocery store (ingles) and jim had to go get a uhaul to move the stuff from the big rig to the uhaul. Then from the uhaul to the house... did I mention it was POURING?

There is no Ralphs or Vons, or Stater Brothers... the names of the grocery stores here are Kroger, Publix, and ingles and Super Walmart.

It was a LOOOOOOOONG day! We got everything INTO the house on Friday but NOTHING was set up so we spent the night at Aunt Pam's :)
Steph! The view from the kitchen is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Hope you get some heat and feel more at home soon.
hey guys....miss you heaps!!!! we need some of that rain...can you send some over? i can't wait to see more photos once you are all settled in your beautiful new home! say hello to everyone and give loooootttttsssss of cuddles from us :)
That yard is very cool! Do you have gardener or something? I like the way you've already decorated your foreplace for halloween. Way to be on top of it! :) I miss you... but it does feel like you're just posting about you're vacation! :)
Beautiful view from your window!!!!
I can't believe you had a rent a Uhal just to get your stuff out of the moving truck . . crazy!!!!!
I hope you guys get warm and cozy in your new home soon!!!
Start up the fireplace!!!!
I love the picture of Buddy in the moving van. Thanks for those special pictures for me, Stef. Love you.
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