This is my Uncle Rodger's store... Scott is a manager there now. This morning we got up and headed over to go shopping.
Me and Aunt Pam... Yes she is that short.
The game plan WAS us girls going to the store and Jim and Bud and the boys meeting us there after dropping the uhaul off....
Jim left his phone with me :) so he had NO PHONE.... and he got LOST.
So my mom, Haley and Pam all went to our home to wait there in case the boys showed up there, and I stayed at Farmers in case they showed up there....
I was in the store forever....
Jim couldnt even find his way to our new home!!!
The streets here are not linear... they are curvey... hilly....oh and they change the names (example... for you alta lomians... Carnelian turning into Vineyard)
We got a TON done today BUT still we have a TON to do. We dont have gas, so we have no heat... and it is cold here at night so we are back at Pam and Rodger's house to sleep.
The colors here are beautiful!!! I love the hills and just so much prettiness... but I am feeling a bit lost... I ONLY know how to get from Aunt Pam's house to our new home... and to the Super Walmart)... AND ONLY IN DAY LIGHT.... there are NO street lights... so driving at night is SCARY!
How are the kids doing with the move?
They LOVE it here, but I know they are still having to adjust to things.... their routines are all out of wack.... and for Hunt that is a hard thing. He got REALLY upset because Jonah TOUCHED his milk. I mean, he started HITTING and PUNCHING the floor SCREAMING... I know his upsetness isnt all Jonah touching his milk...
Haley is struggling because we havent gotten her bed yet.. so she feels so attached to the idea that she cant sleep in our new house until her bed is there....
Jonah has been a big trooper.... he is doing so well... I was worried mostly about him in the routine department... NOPE.... he has been doing great. He doesn't like being restricted from playing on the stairway.
Jimmy and I?
How are we adjusting?
It is too soon to really say. We go none stop!!! I know for me... I am excited to be able to sleep in my new home... but then again, scared too because I feel like I am sleeping in the middle of NO WHERE! I am SOOOOO happy that Jenny and Scott are here! Jenny and I plan to hang and go shopping soon... They bought the kids pumpkins and have plans to carve pumpkins together!!!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers...
1. We are all struggling to catching a cold...
2. For my mom who is having a hard time being away from my dad and yet wanting to be here with scott and i and the kiddos...
3. For us to start feeling at home... it still feels like we are on vacation
ok.. I am tired and I am not proof reading this so for those of you out there who like to get on my back for errors... please, cut me some slack dude... :) Thanks :)
Glad to hear you are all doing good. I hope you get your gas turned on soon!! Happy to know all your stuff made it!! We are praying for you all. I love all your posts, it make it seem like you are just around the corner.- Love ya!
Stef! I love that you are so great at updating this! I feel like you are right around the corner! I finally set up a is a bit embarrassing right now-not much there-but I will get around to it. :o) Love you!
I love reading this, it is like reading what was going on in my head three years ago. The freeway is pitch black for about ten minutes before you reach my town. A pitch black freeway??? Where is all the commerce on the side of the road? Last year, while at my parents, i drove to Orange County to meet up with a friend and was amazed at how bright everything was!
I also liked the comment about Carnelian turning into Vineyard. I lived in that half mile abyss where no one from Alta Loma can find you, so I laughed a bit 'cause this Rancho girl never understood why Vineyard turned into Carnelian. :)
I am so happy to read your updates and see how you are all doing! (I believe you about the sis has one in AZ and it's so more like a Target and not our ghetto Walmarts here).
Girl, I'm so happy to know how you are doing. It's beautiful there! I miss seeing you!
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