Haley went to the allergist last monday for a skin test. Because her back is so small, they had to do the scratch test in two parts. After the FIRST scratch, Haley started to cry. By the fifth one she was screaming, and I do mean screaming, "I HATE THE DOCTORS!" People out in the waiting room was wondering what type of torture they were giving a poor child. The first test tested for cats, and dogs and milk and eggs and different types of trees (23 things)... Turns out she is allergic to cats, and pretty much every weed out there and Olive trees. :) THANKFULLY she is not allergic to dogs!!! Kiwi and Lucy are safe for now!
She is going back tomorrow for the second part of the test... anyone want to take her for me and endure the FUN of taking Haley to the doctor let me know!!!!
OMG! How difficult was that?! Do all kids have to have this done?? Poor Haley! :( <3M
Yikes! Kait's pediatric allergist said something about a skin test once (we're not exactly sure if she's allergic to peanuts so we just avoid them altogether). But he said it's not absolutely necessary so we decided not to do it. Now, after seeing what poor Haley went through, I'm glad!
I'll pray for her today. Hope the second part of the test is much easier and less painful for her. :(
It sounds awful! I'm so sorry.
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