I can't believe I have a child who is going to be in first grade! WOW. I am so proud of her!!! She is such a great kid!

Twins! They are such great friends!

ha! oops... I guess I forgot to rotate this picture... OH WELL... this is Haley with her teacher, Mrs. Gilfry! We love Mrs. Gilfry!

Haley got a memory book of her whole year in Kinder. WOW... a lot of work went into them and I love it! Thanks Mrs. Gilfry!

Now are you ready for a sad story??? this is BOY (I am not sure I can write his name). He had NO ONE come to his graduation... NOT ONE person to represent him! At the mother day tea they did last month, he was the ONLY kid without SOMEONE there. He CRIED!!!! Guess where mom was.... AT HOME! So today Deanne, me and a few other parents adopted him for the morning and hung out with him. I went around and took pictures with him like I did with Haley. I got one with him and the teacher, him and the aid, him and friends.... One of the other dads went up to him, put his arm around BOY and said, "BOY, you know I am REALLY proud of you." This sent my mom into TEARS! I pray that he is in our class again next year. Not that Haley and BOY hang out, but we do pray for him and I would still really like to see him next year! If you think a bout it and want to lift up BOY and his SISTER in your prayers.... do!
First, YEAH for Haley graduating from Kindergarden and for having such awesome parents!
Your story about BOY totally made me cry. I don't understand some parents. grrrr I am happy he had you to help make him feel special.
Congrats BOY! Congrats Haley! Congrats Gracie! Big girls now! I think the part that scares me the most about first grade, is that i remember being in first grade. That means im getting old. GGGRRRRR.
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