Monday evening, we find that he has an ear infection... YUCK, but at least we got meds right?
Wednesday morning Jonah wakes up sounding HORRIBLE... I drop the kids off at school and head to my dad's (the retired Director of Respiratory at San Antonio). Within a few seconds of being with my dad, he confirms that Jonah needs a breathing treatment.... BACK to urgent care we go.... They take a chest x-ray and confirm pneumonia. YUCK.... so now we have an ear infection AND respiratory issues :).
The urgent care doctor told us to follow up with our pediatrician so on Thursday Jim helped me out by taking Jonah to the Dr. who gave Joe ANOTHER breathing treatment only to find he was still struggling to breath. He has Jim take Jonah to the Hospital. Let me tell you, that is a freaky call to get. I was having time with Haley and to get a call from Jim telling me to meet him at the hospital was a shock really.
When we got there they told us he would be in there for AT LEAST 3 to 5 days.... his O2 was low and bordered on needing Oxygen. It took many tries, but they finally got an IV in and found that he had RSV.
After two nights and three days of hospital fun :) we got to take Jonah home yesterday! Praise God! He had to have many breathing treatments and even came home with a breathing treatment machine (I can't spell it).
Any kids at church... if they got sick from Jonah I am SOOOOOO sorry! I would never have taken him if I knew how sick he really was!
Poor little guy! That must have been so scary.
Stef, how did they know it was RSV? I ask because Noah had to have breathing treatments at his last little flare up of this bronchiolitis thing which I've wondered was really RSV. Melanie's son got a newer vaccine for it and hasn't gotten sick AT ALL, but Noah's had like once a month lots of mocos (snots) and a teeny kinda wheeze. Similar?
Anyway, so glad Jonah is able to be home with you guys again. Scary when they're in the hospital like that but yah the pediatrics staff at San Antonio are just wonderful.
So does the virus just go away on its own then and you help him to breathe with treatments or what happens from here?
Praying for ya'll
Glad your baby is home now. Hope he is much better! He sure looks good...such a cutie!
In the hospital they did a test where they stuck a q-tip down their nose to swab for rsv. It was kinda scary because we really thought at first it was his tooth coming in, you know how they can get a mild fever and runny nose... anyways... his nose was always clear!
There is no meds for RSV ... it is like a bad cold... I would suck out his nose a LOT.... that helps.... if you see that he is retracting in his stomach when he breathes, it means he is having a hard time breathing so you would want to take him in as soon as possible...
Ugh! It is so scary to take your kid to the doctor and end up hospitalized. It happened with us with Aubrey when she was first home from the hospital. I remember another woman who ended up sharing a room with us was literally stuck. She had her older child's carseat in her car and her husband couldn't come to the hospital to relieve her or bring her clothes. She had to be there for three days like we did. She did the scary, drive like mad while he was asleep, and rush back to the hospital thing. It just doesn't feel right leaving a little guy alone at the hospital.
I'm glad you are all safe and sound!
Jonah looks great now. You never know when you have kids how many scares you might have as you're raising them. You guys did good!!! You're on the ball!!!
Glad he's getting better Stef. Eric has been on breathing treatments since he was 6 months old when he turned out to be allergic to a house we moved into. Ever since then he needs his treatments every time he is sick, otherwise it gets bad. It's scary when your little one can't breath too well.
By the way, Jonah has the same nebulizer as Eric :).
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