It is funny because when they were on TV... new... I never watched it. I never really got into them. But now, I totally can just relate to Debra having 3 kids and all. I don't relate to the in-law part. My in-laws are anything BUT intrusive!
For those of you who like the show... share with me your favorite ELR moments... :)
Welcome to the club!
I love the episode where Ray complains about Debra always being late...so they have somewhere to go and he says that if she is not in the car on time, he will leave and she gets the curling iron stuck in her hair and he totally leaves her...I was DYING it was so funny!
There are so many Debra/Ray moments that are so well written and perfect!
I like when Marie gets into the "good girl" conversation in regards to Amy and Debra. The best part is the end when you find out that Marie isn't a good girl afterall.
Hey Stef
I just read your mom's blog. I am so sorry for your family's loss. I just recently lost a family member and it isn't the same without them. I pray that your family is at peace and knows that she is now with our Loving Father.
God Bless.
Oh, man - my favorite so far (and I haven't seen all of it, we just watch the reruns) is one where Raymond points out a time when Robert pulled someone over for throwing gang signs, but they were actually deaf. So there's this whole thing with Robert signing "I am so sorry". It's hilarious!
Reruns are the best. I did the same thing. With ELR, Seinfeld, Frasier, etc. etc. I don't know what it is, but I'm notorious for doing that.
My favorite ELR is the suitcase one. Where Debra decides she is NOT going to put the suitcase away, but Ray just ignores it sitting on the stair landing for weeks. It's too funny for words!
Oh, just so you know I don't have any ELR DVD's to share with you. Nor do I know anyone who does.
OK! Welcome to ELR world. Doug and I LOVE this show. I have two favorite episodes:
1.The episode where deb. is attempting to cook thanksgiving dinner and she keeps dropping the turkeys on the floor.
2. The episode where deb has PMS. I laughed so hard I was crying!!!!!
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