The Bride with her Matron of Honor :)
Jenna and Stef

Christine (bridesmaid) and me :)

Our family :) Hunter wasn't all to into getting his picture taken.

This picture is very dark... it was kinda hard to rely on other people to take pictures for you. This picture was taken by some guy who wasn't in it... so I had to hope he took a good one... lets hope it comes out better when I pick it up from Costco. I still need to learn photo shop...

Jenna and Len with their nieces and nephews and then below is Jimmy with Haley wearing his hat... it is a little hard to see.

Susan, David and Mikaela. Mikaela dress-up up because she was reciting poems.

Before the wedding started... guests arrived at 6pm. There was all you could drink Mint
Julieps and fresh fruit. Guest were assigned a table number... The WHOLE bridal party (including bride and groom) mingled with the crowd as they arrived. There were a lot of people who dressed up. If you came dressed up, you got either a chocolate cigar or a little hand bag.
Warning... there are a lot of words I don't know the spelling of and my spell check doesn't either... AND I am 9months pregnant and lazy and am not getting up to look them up... so I am spelling them as phonetically as I can!
A far away picture of the ceremony/production. How it started (the ceremony) was... The curtain was down (or the puff - as they called it) and the grandmothers were already in their seat on stage. Then the puff went up and the bridal party came out one by one starting with a bridesmaid then a groomsmen and so forth. When we (the bridal party) walked out, we were to walk to the front and do a bow or curtsy then walk to our spot on stage (I was on stage right). Once the bridal party was all out there, Len walked in escorted by both parents. They kissed him at the bottom of the stage and then the parents walked up to the stage and stood with Len's grandma (Ruth - Helen's mom). Len waited and the bottom for his bride. Jenna came in escorted by both her parents (same still as Len) and then once the parents were up with her grandmother, Len and Jenna came up together to center stage where the officiant was waiting for them. They both had only one living grandmother so they were apart of the ceremony. During the ceremony, the fathers both said a prayer... one in Hebrew (Jenna's dad) and Bud (Len's dad) said the Lord's prayer. They both had signed a Ketuba (sp?) which is a Jewish Marriage contract... the mothers read that as part of the ceremony. They smashed the wine glass :) and then everyone shouted Mozeltov (sp?).

After the ceremony was the toasts by both best man (kirk) and matron of honor (me). Then we had dinner... then there was the entertainment. They had asked friends to perform for them. There was a poem read by Mikaela and the rest were songs... Kirk did some drama performance deal thing... there was an opera song....

This is the best man with Jim's folks :)
The dessert was my FAVORITE part... sorry Jenna, I am pregnant :) It was a chocolate brownie, with smooth chocolate sauce on, then HOMEMADE vanilla ice cream, toped with hard chocolate sauce with strawberries all around... YUMMY!!!!!

Jimmy and Chris dance with their mom!

This isn't the most flattering picture of me... buy really... I don't think I could have a flattering picture of me with this dress :) (Sorry Jenna, it is just the nature of this dress combined with being VERY pregnant).. But this is Jimmy and I "dancing" - which means, Jimmy danced and I stood next to him on the dance floor :) while he held my hand :)
Ah Stef... beautiful as always! :) Sounds like an interesting ceremony.
I am so happy you shared these pictures since we had to miss it. Your story helped me know what happened though. I also think you look beautiful even at 9 months pregnant and in a very puffy dress. The whole wedding party looked quite stunning (must be in the genes;-))
Leah, Dan, and Gabe
You are the bravest woman ever. I would have run screaming in the other direction if someone asked me to be in a themed wedding when I was 9 months pregnant. Your ringletts were fabulous by the way!
Now I know who you remind me of.
Did you see that episode of Friends where Rachel was the maid of honor at Barry and Mindy's wedding - THAT'S YOU! Except instead of the giant hat you got a parasol!
In the words of Pheobe: "You look so... good!"
omygosh, Jane TOTALLY nailed it - you are SO Rachel! Didn't Chandler say something like, "What happened - did a bottle of Pepto Bismol throw up on you?!" At least you can say yours was technically just a costume. =)
You did a great job of capturing the wedding in words. I loved the pictures. I should wear that dress more often. I looked a lot better than I thought. :) Being the mother of the groom just comes naturally to me I guess, since I've done it twice before.
I love that picture of Jimmy and Haley. And the one with your family, with Hunter eating the banana. So cute!
You did good -- thanks for everything!!!!
Love you lots,
Stef, what a memorable wedding. Thank goodness little Jonah stayed put through the wedding! :)
Hey Stef!
Thank you so much for posting all of this - These pictures look great! I just might want to steal some of them. We had a great time at the wedding, thanks to everyone who helped - like you - and everyone who was there. It was definitely a night of memories to last a lifetime. Thank you for sharing it.
Jenna Vandegrift :?)
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