Today Haley started kindergarten! I can't believe she is that old! She was so excited!!! She had a blast!

Haley is in the same class as her good friend Gracie!

This is her with her teacher, Mrs. Gilfrey!

Hunter had his first day of preschool today! Jim and I were both nervous as to how he would handle going there without us staying. He cries when we drop him off at church. When we dropped him off, his teacher was so great... she came right up to him and made him so welcomed! She found him a tool puzzle to work on and he was in Heaven!

And I have to include a picture of Jonah! He is doing so good. Both Haley and Hunter are transitioning so well with him! They love him ...
Can you believe his hair? I guess Carrie was right... heart burn does = hair :)

Oh my gosh you guys have a lot of changes. All of your kids are beautiful!!! We can't wait to meet Jonah
your kids are growing too fast! It feels like sooo long time since I was living there! I miss you guys and wish I was there to see your little ones growth.
I am so proud of being a gramma to your kids. They are so beautiful, loving and smart children. And that's the "truth."
Love you guys,
Weird that you're the mother of a kindergartener! How did that happen? We're too little for things like that!
It must be nice to have Haley and Hunter both in school so that you can get some "Jonah time." That's awesome!
Where do the years go???? Just last week ( I think....) you were starting kindergarten! OK...my eyes are wet. Anyway, Haley , Hunter and Jonah are by far the CUTEST kids EVER! And....I'm the most blessed Nana in the world!
Your kids are so cute! The freckles on the arm holding Jonah look familiar ;)! I can't believe all the fun changes at once!
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