In late April, Chika and her husband came over for a quick visit! She is due in July and looks great! it was very nice to get a chance to visit with her! Haley remebers when she use to live with us! We love Chika and loved being able to catch up. She now lives with her husband in Japan.

Our little boy's theme for his room :) - jungle safari! The room was Haley's and was Barney purple. Mindi came over last week and helped us paint the room tan and brown. Mindi's the best... thanks Mind!
And yes, we STILL do not have a name :)

Mother's day was this last weekend. We had a BBQ at my parents house! It was real nice...

This picture was taken at mother's day dinner, but in late April we moved our trailer to my parents house to be stored there. Thanks dad and mom!!!

This, too, was at mother's day! The kids love their Uncle Scoby... can you tell?
It was a fun day!
Love, Mom
Wow, I didn't know Chika came to visit!!!!
I can't wait to see the nursery!
Oooo jungle safari is a way cute theme! I'm prayin for you guys and little to-be-named :)
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