Haley went to her first dentist appointment. The dentist was very impressed with her very clean teeth. In the process of getting her teeth cleaned, the lady told her about sugar bugs and how they live in sugar. That when you eat sugar, these sugar bugs come out and dig holes in your teeth and then that turns your teeth black. (this is how Haley explains it) So what? Awesome right? My daughter doesn't want to eat sugar! For the most part that is awesome and we all want to have our child like that right? She is OBSESSED with sugar bugs!!! "Does watermelon have sugar?"... "Does Jelly have sugar?"... "Does milk have sugar?" ... "Does toast?" EVERY item of food she is eating, she asks if there is sugar. If there is, she WILL NOT eat it :) Or she will eat it and then brush the heck out of her teeth.
I am proud of her, that she wants a clean mouth, but I really don't want my four year old (who really doesn't eat a lot of candy, if any) getting UPSET over the sugar bugs. AND to top it off... she has had her brother in TEARS over the bugs.

Hunter and his little kid weenie (that is what he calls his beanie!). He calls it the little kid weenie. He came running to me this morning asking if I had a little kid weenie... It took me a second to figure out what he was really asking for, I wasn't fully awake! Ah... the awesome names our kids create for things! I actually love their innocence and how cute they are... they make me laugh! Hunter is one of the funniest kiddos I know!
That is a crack up! Leave it to Haley...the rule follower...to obsess over sugar bugs! Hunt-man is so cute in his "kid weenie"...where does he get these things? I could just squeeze them!
Yes, those kids are the cutest ever!
I was at the dentist yesterday and Beth was telling me how good Haley was, opening her mouth wide and acting every bit the young lady. How proud I was!!
I could squeeze them, too, Nana.
I only wish Kaylee would like to brush her teeth... think of it as a blessing!
Hunter is so funny. I love that kid!
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