So this weekend we were at a birthday party and the women of the group were sitting around a table helping me with baby names. Hannah is DEFINITELY our girl name.... the middle name is up in the air still... both Haley and Hunter have middle names that are from Jimmy or me. Haley Joy and Hunter James (yes I know, HJV). I would like to CLEARLY state that Jim and I did not INTEND to be cleaver like that and make our children have the same initials... BUT it happened. Our options on the Hannah's middle name is ... Hannah Joy (and keep all girls with the same middle name) Hannah Janelle, Hannah Grace (forget having the same initials), Hannah Jean, Hannah Jane, Hannah Joelle. What do you think?
Now for our boys choices...
Haley wants baby boy to be named Bear. Hunter's name is blanket. Jim and I are thinking that we will leave the naming to the adults :)
As of right now our boy name is Hug. (We are not serious for those of you who think we are). Because we can't think of a name that we agree on, we are referring to this baby as baby Hug. we are nerds what can I say.
Some names we are thinking about are: Hayden, Harrison, Jack, Jonah, ... I know I have said this before, but I don't want to just settle for a name because it starts with H. My thought is if we can't find an H name, then why don't we go with Jimmy's initials and that way the boy matches someone :) JBV... Any thoughts?
Another question...
We have a boy and a girl... we really can't think of which sex we would want over another... but the name thing is killing me :). Plus, Haley thinks we are having a girl... Would you find out if it is a boy or girl? I have ONLY experienced finding out and I have really enjoyed that! ... Please tell me your thoughts... I may or may not follow it, but I am interested :) Jimmy wants to find out... and I am still in the air. I have a feeling we will find out :)
What the heck? I've already given you a million boy H names! What's wrong with Hyman? Habib? Halbert? Hannibal? Huxley? Let me know if you need more suggestions... I have a baby name book of over 100,000 names! The posibilities are endless!
If I were you, I might go for the surprise factor and not find out. You're right, you aleady have a boy and a girl, so if you've saved stuff it's not like you'll be unprepared once the baby gets here. The unknown might kill me though. It would definitely be hard.
Yes Erin, you have given me some FABULOUS names... they are so good, we want you to be able to use them. I would hate to take them away from you. :)
Other names I have thought about: Carson, Micah, Hosea :), Conner, Blake, ....
As hard as it may be, it would be truly exciting to wait until the birth when the doctor says, "It's a _____!" What a thrill. But, I can't say that I will do it ever, but I am proud of all who do!
I would probably find out. I really feel knowing the sex and name of the baby for so long helped me to bond. Aubrey was Aubrey after 17 weeks, I had prayed for her by name and felt like I knew her. We knew we were having a girl at 20 weeks this time, but didn't commit to a name for a few more weeks and that was even difficult.
Saying that, I like Hannah Grace (the same middle name we are using, and Hayden for a boy. Now if you are thinking of having another one you may want to stay away from H names, because it will be much more difficult to break the trend with number four.
I have to vote for Janelle or Jane for Hannah's middle name - they look like the best choices to me :)
Hannah Jean (Isn't that your mother in lawa name?), Hannah Jane.
Hagan, Hugh(then you will still have hug in his name), Harley, Hocus Pocus (Ha!), Henry, Heath, Harrison, Hobart, Horace and Humberto (Ha!)
Or if you decide to go with JBV, you can name him Jonah Blake. Hunter and Jonah sound good together.
Good Luck,
I think you are going to have a girl because Haley wants it soooo bad. Haley is so darn cute and special if I were God I would give her, her wish :) So forget about the boy names cause you are not going to need it...:)
As for the middle name I vote for Hannah Jane!!
And of course you should find out because we ALL want to know now!!! :)
FIND OUT for goodness sake! A Nana has to shop! You know what names I like already...won't bore you with those.
Okay, so I'm a little late in joining this conversation, but where opinions are flying, I must throw in my two cents. I really like Erin's suggestions. You are incredibly generous to allow her to keep those names for herself. I like Hannah Jane. So sweet and traditional, but not overused. For a boy, I like Hayden Joseph (if you're trying to stick to HJV) or Jesse Blake for JBV. Can't wait to meet little baby Hug one way or the other. It is really fun to be surprised, but fun to know too.
yeah, I'm diggin' both of those H names (as in Hannah and Hayden). I have a friend named Hayden, so maybe I'm biased. ;)
How about combining the names-- Huggie Bear? =) I like Hayden. Actually, I love Aiden (from S in the C), but it's mine, you can't have it (muahawahahaha).
How about combining the names-- Huggie Bear? =) I like Hayden. Actually, I love Aiden (from S in the C), but it's mine, you can't have it (muahawahahaha).
-Ballinger (soon to be Balcom)
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