For those of you who don't know... our church has done a Glitter Glam thing in March (this is our second one). This is where girls can come and get all dolled up and treated like a princess. They get their hair done, make-up, nails... all done. They get to make body glitter, color pictures, get a tattoo (water of course). Then at the very end, they get to walk down a cat walk in front of parents and loved ones. The idea comes from a store in Anaheim in Down Town Disney but for the life of me I can't think of the name. Jane showed me. My friend Jane is who organizes this HUGE event. There were over 100 girls there. Haley had a BLAST!
The above picture is of Haley (the princess - before she changed to the Teenie Wahine girl) and her friends, Kaylee, Gracie and Mikayla.

Haley on the cat walk posing :) Here she is the Teenie Wahine. She changed because her crown was making her head super red and her skin is super sensitive as it is so I went with something we had left over and traded in the crown.

Haley and her friend, Grace, eating their Chik-Fil-A. The whole car ride home was filled with non-stop talking. These two girls had the time of their lives. it was the most precious thing. It actually made me choke up... but right now, that doesn't surprise me. I am a walking hormone :). Non-pregnant Stef wouldn't have cried over something like this :)
Haley is growing so fast! She is very cute little girl. you guys make cute kiddo;) I cant wait to see the third one!
Ryan says he wonders if this makes people who dont know us think we are like one of those weird cults on TV that dress their little girls up like women and parade them in front of the men.
I hope not - it's too much fun!
for the record it's: "Wahine" a hawaiian word for woman
I never would have thought of that! It is too innocent for that... Those girls love it and it is more like a fun girls will be girls thing...
Thanks for the right spelling... I will go in and correct that!
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