YEA!!! I am able to post pictures! How exciting....
Haley started ballet. She had the choice of soccer or dance... She choose dance. The tom-boy in me was kinda hoping for soccer because I know how sports work. Dance... I am in total confusion!
She is taking classes threw the city, every Wednesday night. She has only gone twice, but already seems to love it. The first day was a sad day for me. I was never really a dancer, or a girlie girl much... I love Baseball, sports.... that to me is fun! So when it came time to get my daughter ready for dance, I was at a complete loss... What does she wear? Shoes... Tennis shoes work, I mean for working out you would wear sneakers, right? When we got to her class, she was the only one with the wrong shoes and the wrong outfit (sweats don't cut it). Also... side note... dance moms... I don't understand them! They are girlie too :) I didn't blend in at all.
When we got home from her first day, my friend Jenna was there and saw Haley and how she was dressed for dance, and looked at me and kindly told me that she would help me out :). So she took us shopping and got Haley the right shoes, and tights (or leggings?). She showed me how to dress a ballerina dancer... She was an awesome help! Thanks Jenna.
Haley's second class was great. She blended in. She had all the right items on :)
Now The other two pictures are of me and Hunter visiting Mindi and her new addition. He is adorible! Hunter and Kaylee played :). VIsit The Houghton Family Blog (link on the side bar) to see updates on their new addition!
Now my spell check isn't working... so forgive me :)
I can't wait to have a little ballerina girl! Hay-Hay looks so cute with her daddy.
Leah's Blog works for me...I don't know why you can't get to it from mine.
What a cutie pie ballerina!
Your mom is so cute with her comments. She's not a proud granma or anything is she?
You and I should join the club of not being the dance mommies. I too am clueless.
Talk to you later miss bloggy. You reply to everything. That's great. It shows you are interested.
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