I am amazed at the many different ways to eat yogurt. You can eat it like a otter pop, or like little balled candy, drink it, and of course - the traditional way. My kids LOVE yogurt! Hunter prefers the yogo's, but when he gets offered the container with a spoon, forget the spoon...
I watch a little girl named Grace every Tuesdays and Fridays. She came over one day and brought Dora yogurt containers... All three children ate with my supervision and loved their treat! Once they were done, (I had left the room), Hunter decided to "finish off" everyone else's yogurt with his hands... He dipped both hands and ate like an animal. He had yogurt all over his belly, face and legs. He loved it! My silly man!
PS... I am having a VERY hard time downloading my pictures of this event onto blogger... so hopefully soon, these pictures I have for this event will be up and showing :)
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