Yesterday Haley turned 4 years old! I can't believe my baby girl is growing up! She had a small friend party at the p

At the park all the kids would run and greet each new person who would arrive! Haley had a lot of fun with her friends. I feel so blessed that she has such good friends... Friends I like her to be around! :)
At night she asked us all to hide in the living room and then she would come out as Cinderella and we would all jump up and say "SURPRISE!!" She was very polite with presents, she would open a present then say, "Thank you, next present please."

All in all, I think she had a great day! Thank you all for celebrating with us!
Wednesday at school she brought in cookies her and Nana made for her birthday. The teacher was shocked to learn that Haley was only turning 4. She thought she was turning 5. Ms. Logue (her teacher) tells me, "She is the youngest in the class and I didn't even know it! She is going to blend right in in kindergarten." I tell Haley all the time that she isn't allowed to get bigger, and as much as I don't want her to grow up, if we are putting her into kinder next year, I really don't want her to stick out as the youngest! So this comment from her teacher was a good one in my "school" eyes :).