The kids did a great job driving up there. Thank you technology for inventing the portable DVD player! We hardly get it out. We like to save it for big trips in the car. It is funny how the same DVD they watch a thousand times at home is all the sudden NEW when it is in the car!
Once we got there it was so refreshing to sit and relax and not be on the constant go go go. We swam, we visited, we ate... we napped (my favorite) :).... We played memory (as you can see in the picture). It is wild how a three year old can remember better than a 28 year old! Haley ROCKED! Hunter, well... he liked the same two cards.
While on our trip we did get to do fireworks (thanks Dan) ... legal up there. (It isn't legal down here in Rancho)
The other pictures are of Jim with his cousin Leah and all three second cousins (I think that is what you would call them... am I wrong?) my kids look ready for the picture <
Over all we had a blast and cant wait to see them again!

we had a GREAT time too. I am so glad you guys made the trip up here. Hope we can do the same in July. It is always fun to see you guys.
Glad to hear you guys had a good and safe trip.
I used to love playing memory!
So glad you had a great time and made it back safe and sound.
Fireworks! I remember those! :)
See ya soon,
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