Hunter is just the cutest thing there is! His personality is unique and fun. His smile is just adorable and let me tell you about his run! He cracks me up! However, when it comes to him being a two year old, and discipline, I cringe! He throws fits for the strangest reasons... his favorite words are, "Hunter's turn" or "mine" or "NO"
It is funny, a few years back a friend of mine (Kim) was talking to Jim and I about her youngest son. His teacher had described him as having a lot of energy, or being very active... my friend had laughed when telling me... being that we (Kim and I) are both teachers, we knew that was code for pain in the booty! Jim and I laugh at that now because that is Hunter... he will out grow this stage, right?
The last picture you see with him sleeping... that is just recently when he had a fever of over 104 :(... Jim and I both had to take cold showers with Hunter to help break his fever. He looks so peaceful!
On a sweet note... I love it when he comes up to me and kisses me for no reason other than to be sweet. I love his hugs and when he says I love you too... I love my son very much!!! That is why God knew what he was doing when he made the two year old... :)
That is THE cutest 2 year old boy I've ever seen!
Love, Nana
You know I can relate to the two year old madness! Love the title.
Oh, yes...
Hunter can steal anyone's heart. You're right, his personality is "unique and fun." Love, love, love that boy...
Gramma & Grandbud
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