Haley and I spent all last week at the Flipside (our church) for VBS (vacation bible school). Haley had a blast! You can see in one of the pictures, her and Hunter (Hunter came for like one day) on stage dancing away! The theme was Superhero's of the bible... Joseph, Jesus, Esther, Ruth (I think) and I can't think of the other one... David? I spent my whole day at VBS in the "kitchen" helping with lunch!... One of the pictures is of my awesome lunch ladies :).... then there is one of me with Melissa, who was just a God send to me this past week! Thanks Lunch crew!
On Friday, all the kids got soaked... Flipside brought in a big water slide thing and little kiddie pools for the little kids. Haley was pretty scared of the big slide so she stayed in the safe zone. In the last picture, you can see Haley with her friend Grace. Haley, in the end, did go down the slide with her leader Blithe. I am not sure she liked it, but I was happy to see her try it!
Over all, we had alittle over 200 kids there all week. Everything seemed to go of really successfully! It was fun to be apart of this event!