So I have kinda been a tad busy since my last post...

We had Easter...
Then Haley got her very own American Girl Doll... Rebecca. She saved up her money and bought her!

My friend, Coleen, came out in April.

Mid April, I started a job with Regions Bank. I work part time as a teller. I REALLY like it! But it does keep me busy! (as if three kids didnt do that already).

April 23, I turned 21 (again).

Then my life long friend from before kindergarten, Mindi, came out to visit me :). Her mom (Jeannie) and friend (Debbie), came out to see my mom, and mindi hitched a ride! We had a BLAST. We went to Savannah, lake lanier, all around Braselton :) and Gainesville... just had fun!!! Oh I missed her!!!

In May, I had mothers day... Muffins with Mom in Hunters class. He made me this lady bug flower pot and decided he wanted to keep it for himself. :)

May 19th my bank had a "scare" but luckily the dude didnt get anything and was caught so it turned ok.
Haley and Hunter graduated first and kindergarten!
Hay got reading glasses. She is opposite of me... she can see far but not close... she does not have to wear them all the time. She is super cute!

June 3rd... Hunter turned 6!!! Cant believe it!!!

We thought we were busy before... man...
What we have coming up...
- The kids start swim lessons next week.
- Our church is having Camp Kidzu (our verison of VBS)
- Work work and work...
So fun! I love all the pictures! You're all so cute!
Best post ever. read just like a Christmas letter. :)
wow, this photos are so fun..i like them
beautiful best punjabi naat 2017
beautiful best punjabi naat 2017
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