Anyways, when I went to move the crib I broke it... and in a way that wasnt fixable... so now he is converting to a toddler bed... Joy Joy... the last few nights have been LATE. I hate the transition to big bed. I wanted him to stay in his crib FOREVER.... oh well, I guess this had to happen sometime

This was a class project Haley had... Very sweet!
Obviously you have more experience transitioning to a bed than I do, but I had it go smoothly both times so I thought I would share my tricks. I completely de-toyed the bedroom for the first few weeks which reestablished the "bedrooms are for sleeping" theory. Then we put a new routine in place doing some of the things we did elsewhere with the kid in their bed instead of downstairs or in the glider(prayer, story, song... whatever you do in your family). And then we just told the kid that they could not leave their room and needed to call for me if they needed something.
Good Luck!
Haley is so sweet! I loved the $100story! Precious!
It is difficult! I feel for you!
Rachel seems to have a great idea!
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