Jonah is currently in a phase where he says... NO to everything"Jonah, is Hunter your brother?"
"Do you want a cookie?"
"Do you want milk?"
"Do you wanna play wii?" (His favorite thing right now)
NO (As he runs to the TV and points up as if he wants it on)
He also likes to say OFF... If you are sitting where he wants to sit... OFF...

Hunter has been GREAT since being pulled out of his pre-school. Him and I work on his writing and reading words... also sign language and art.... We play memory, and he ALWAYS kicks my butt! Seriously.... I dont let him win.... he has a great memory. He has been a big help with Jonah. Hunter is just growing so much and becoming more and more a little man :).
Hunter loves his Llama friends down the street. Whenever we drive by them, he always has a story about what they are doing.... today when we drove by, they were at school. :)

Haley is becoming so grown up. She is reading more and more each day! Her teachers just love having her... at her parent teacher conference, a week or so ago, the teacher told us how Haley coming into their class blessed them so much. That she is just so easy to have in class... and is so smart... Jim and I are both so glad we didnt fight to have her placed in first grade.
Jim just had his 31st birthday... (I will post pictures later... I dont have my camera with me). We had a small little party of a few friends for dessert here. Jenna and Len are out and were here for Jim's birthday. It has been great seeing them and Scarlet, our sweet niece. I will post pictures later.
Jim is officially a small business owner... YIKES... a little scary but we know God will care for our needs... He has so far... :) even when we didn't know what was going on... God's plan always works out. He is the owner of Vandegrift Title. :) He has work everyday... praise God!!! He gets to work out of our home so it is fun to see him more. :)
We sold our home! After 8 months of having it on the market... the bank finally accepted the ONLY offer we had on it. These people who are buying it are a Godsend. They have stuck to this house so faithfully. This is a huge praise for us.
Me, Stef, well, I am good. Today was the last day to my Esther study I have been attending. I have also started a moms play group at the church we are attending. It isnt like mops or anything organized... more of just a weekly play group that get together and let their kids play. There really isnt much to it.
Tomorrow is Jim and My 9th anniversary. I can't believe we have been married for 9 years!!! Do we have any plans? Probably not... :) but that is ok.... :)
Congrats on the new business. It's a great time to be in the mortgage industry, at least it is for us! I'm glad things are going well for you guys!
Hi friend. I loved reading the updates on everyone. The pics of the kids are adorable. I can't wait to see them...oh, and YOU, too, of course! :o)
I hope you are well. Mikah has her 1-year Dr. appt. tomorrow, so I will call you sometime before/after. Love you!
Great to hear you all are well! Your kids are beautiful and I'm happy for what God is doing with your family.
Praise God for all His blessings in your live right now. I love the pictures!!!
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