I am going to attempt youTube soon so hopefully I can download video to my blog. This was a comical event, tons of fun! And the Turkey even turned out EXCELLENT

We found the neck!

Both Jenny and I were new to this. We have never seen the inside of a Turkey. It was gross.

We cooked a 20 pound turkey! Yes... that is a LOT. The advice we were given at the store was to buy a turkey where you calculate how many people were eating.... then you get a 1/2 a pound for each person.... so we counted all three kids as one adult (if that) and us four = 5 which = a 2 and 1/2 pound turkey....

Scott played Go Fish with the kids. It was really cute!

Jenny and Scott brought the kids balloon ball things and Jonah had a blast with them.

Family pictures in our backyard

It was a beautiful day!!!

After over FOUR hours of cooking the Turkey... we finally brought it out of the oven... it was beautiful :).

Really... I think Jenny and I were surprised at how easy it was to cook Henrietta. The picture below, I am pointing to the popper thing that pops up when it is done.

All our food.... We made it all!!!

Even Hunter ate Henrietta

After dinner.... we cleaned up and packed up all our left overs. We played games and ate dessert (Pumpkin pie, Cheese cake, rice crisspy treats, and chocolate pudding).

This is a picture of how much turkey was left over on the plater AFTER we ate. Plus there was more in the kitchen....
A 20 pounder! Wow! Yup, turkeys are nasty to touch.Jenny's face is funny. I was doing the same thing!
Congrats on making your 1st turkey. At least you can make a TON of different meals with the leftovers and the cooked meat freezes really well.
I was actually intrigued at how many times you changed your top in one day!
Me too Jennifer, I counted four costume changes!!! Our parents laugh at our inability to handle poultry. But, I don't remember being taught how to do it while my mom prepared a turkey each year! I was always making the sweet potato casserole and cutting celery!!!
Your dinner looked delicious. Now make sure Hailey has had a chance to help before she is out of the house :)
I am so proud of you! Your dinner looks delicious!
You girls did GREAT! Everything looked yummo! I am so proud of you both! Hopefully next year we will be together!
See you soon!
I completely agree about the disgustingness of the inside of the turkey! I had the "privledge" of removing the stuffing from the inside of the turkey and my mother in law's house (which is don't think is even a healthy or sanitary way to cook stuffing, but...) when I would scrape the spoon on the bones in there I wanted to vomit in my mouth! Sick!
I am so very proud of you, though. Going from barely being able to boil water to a whole Thanksgiving dinner?!?! That's pretty awesome. :)
Your turkey looks yummy! Save me some left overs! I am so proud of you...I have yet to cook my own Thanksgiving turkey. It looks like you had a great time. Love you!
That whole dinner looks so delicious. Tender and moist turkey, with a light browning on the outside. Way to go!!!!
Those deviled eggs looked pretty good, too! :) (Good job Jimmy.)
Good Job!
I agree with Mike and Rachel - but I want to add - make sure that Hunter and Jonah help out too - men can learn to cook too! And some are fabulous!!! Who knows, maybe you have a future chef inthe family.
And, yeah, freeze the left overs - in mini dinners so you can just pull them out a bit at a time.
Thanks for keeping us up to date!
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