Jim's parents gave us their time up at Snow Lake Lodge for a summer vacation. THANKS SO MUCH

We had so much fun! Unfortunately we didnt get to stay the entire time.... Jonah kinda had a hard time up there.

Joe wouldn't sleep! So what does that mean? mom and Dad dont sleep. Haley and Hunter slept! They had a GREAT time fully rested.

Naked Booty!

Jonathan and Christine came up with their daughter, Mikah, for the day! We had dinner out on the lake.
Thanks Jonathan for being the only one to look at me when I took the picture!

The kids set up!

Jonah loved to look at himself in the mirror. This picture was taken at midnight. Jonah is wide awake.... There is NO air conditioning... so we had to have the windows open... which meant if he cried, the rooms connected could hear him threw the opened windows... WHICH means.... we couldn't have him just cry it out.

This is Joe at 1230am. He would throw his ball up onto our bed and then LAUGH!
he thought it was funny...
We thought it was cute... but I think we would have prefered SLEEP

I have tried to upload more photos but blogger is being a stinker....
We went to the zoo... and the park... we REALLY had fun. We just were tired!
How fun! I love the pictures of Jonah in the pack n play in the middle of the night. Too funny! I hate it when my kids are being cute and naughty at the same time. It's like, do I laugh? Do I discipline? I usually laugh... could that be why my kid is so naughty??? Hmmmmmm. Well, at least he has a good sense of humor!
Also, I hate your survey question this time around. I'm refusing to answer. Actually, maybe I'll google the answer and then I'll answer! :) It's the honors student in me. I hate getting the wring answer.
What a great time! At least for the kids - and I am sure lots of family memories were made! Wish we could have been there...
I'm glad the short time you got to stay up there was fun (except for the lack of sleep.) Maybe, when Jonah gets older, you can try again.
I have a naked booty pic of Noah that looks just like that! LOL
PS Cute that Jonah was throwing the ball on your bed & giggling.
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