Our adventure begins...

Jimmy had Monday off, so when everyone was leaving family camp, we decided that we would hang out for the day. My family and the Corbett's decided to get a pass that allows you to ride the bus and train all day :) for five bucks and kids were free.

SO we walk from the camp ground to a golf course just down the road to where the bus picks you up... turns out we JUST missed the bus and had to wait 45 minutes or more for the next bus ... ok, fine... the kids were having fun with the dirt and each other...
Below is us waiting for the bus.

Us on the public bus :)

The bus took us to the train station (which was awesome for Hunt). We pull up as the train pulls away... AWESOME... but the wait wasnt as long as the bus....
We took the train to Old Town San Diego where we had lunch at the best Mexican Food Place ever... YUMMY... Below is Jake and Hunt... Friends :)

Here we waited a bit for our table. While we waited we watched pretty dancers dance :)... Haley and the boys really enjoyed that!

It was a really hot day... Jonah slept while we ate (perfect!)... when he woke up, he was over heated or something and VOMITTED all over me! Yes in the restaurant! Great... so now I have a sick son and I am DRENCHED in vomit. Nice... my family took Joe and cleaned him up and cooled him off while I went to look for something, like a Mexican wrap or something to buy to rid myself of the vomit shorts.... NOTHING... so I end up "washing" my shorts in the restroom! FUN
Now remember this is a HOT day so yes, my shorts dried quickly, but the smell lingered :)

We pop back on the train and take it to Sea Port Village. Here we got the most expense thing of ice cream ever :) and hung out in the shade. Jonah was fussy on the train ride there that I got to nurse on the train with a homeless man STARING at me the entire time... nice :) at this point in the trip, I didnt care if he caught a peek at anything.... it would have had to be the shortest peek ever and I am never going to see that man again so good for him, I guess.

Threw out this very long train ride adventure I have to give props to ALL of the kids... Jake, Hunt and Haley (even the babies Luke and Jonah - well, maybe not joe) did FANTASTIC! They had better attitudes then us adults on this trip! They were AWESOME!

Above is Joe in his new t-shirt nana bought him after he vomitted....

My shorts dont look smelly in this picture but trust me... they definitely are!!!
So We are eating our ice cream when Jenn realizes she ran out of formula and her son, Luke needed to eat a half hour AGO... so we quickly eat our ice cream we had to take a loan out to buy and then jetted out to the train station.... to find we missed the train AGAIN.... our luck... so when the next train comes, it was SO FULL we couldn't get ONE person on let alone our whole group.... so we WALKED a few blocks to catch a different train line. My mom, who just had foot surgery, busts her toe on the walk....
Also, did I mention we only had a stroller for ONE CHILD so Hunt and Hay are WALKING TOO!!! They did great... they did get carried some of the time.... but overall, they rocked!

WE finally get on the train. We get to where we catch the bus that takes us back to where we started and guess what? WE JUST MISSED IT :) I see a theme....
We had to wait almost an hour for THIS BUS to come....
Overall, it was fun... really it was, but it was definitely an adventure we will remember.... It would not have been fun if the kids were not having fun, but they had a blast and said that this was their favorite part of family camp.
Oh my gosh! Crazy times! At least all the kids did great! Cute hair, by the way! Love it!!!
Dang, that was crappy!
Maybe the homeless man was drawn to you because of your scent. Sniff, sniff. Mmmm, just like home.
Well done Stef! It was so well written I felt like I was there, wait..... I WAS! AHHHHHHHH
At least you got to eat at a yummy restaurant... food makes it all worth it for me.
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