Looking for more advice...
Ok, so when your kids are real young you teach them to share... share share share.... everything needs to be shared....
Does there ever reach a point where your children don't need to or have to share and it isnt rude? Haley has some "special" toys that she loves and doesnt want to share with Hunter.... (i dont think they are anything that great and i don't understand her attachment to them... but i play with rolled up paper and I dont share that so who am i to judge what is special) I dont understand why she shouldnt share her "special" toy if she isnt playing with it.... but then I got to thinking about it, I dont share EVERYTHING of mine even if I am not using it.... ie.... mascaria, toothbrush, my wedding ring, earings, underwear, my scrapbooking pens.... am I making sense? It is late :) (930 is late to me now... sad huh?)
Any thoughts? anyone?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Cool LOST link
YouTube - smolesiuk's Channel
The other day Jim and I randomly found this guys YouTude video on secrets of LOST and his ideas and it was REALLY interesting.... I was telling a few folks about it today at the park so I thought that instead of sending this link out via email I would post it on my blog. He does a recap and deep thought into each episode....
Interesting.... at least
The other day Jim and I randomly found this guys YouTude video on secrets of LOST and his ideas and it was REALLY interesting.... I was telling a few folks about it today at the park so I thought that instead of sending this link out via email I would post it on my blog. He does a recap and deep thought into each episode....
Interesting.... at least
Monday, May 19, 2008
Jim got bit
Gross huh!
Update on my "I need advice" post
I did try Erin's idea on letting them just work it out themselves :). It TOTALLY worked.... Haley came to me with a LAME complaint against Hunter, something like he wont let her look at her own polly pockets. I told her that if they couldnt work it out all the polly pockets were going to be put away.... AMAZINGLY they worked it out.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Boogar story continues...
So I told you what Hunter said about eating boogars... well, it must have set in (my conversation with him about it) because this is what I over heard yesterday morning.
He was pretend playing with his trains, in his room...
This was the conversation his two trains were having....
"Toby, you can NOT eat your boogars.... why?.... I know they are yummy but you just can't.... why? .... because I said so."
He was pretend playing with his trains, in his room...
This was the conversation his two trains were having....
"Toby, you can NOT eat your boogars.... why?.... I know they are yummy but you just can't.... why? .... because I said so."
Haley's Mothers Day Tea
Saturday, May 17, 2008
But I am hungry
Reading my friend Rachel's blog this morning made me think of a funny story of Hunter.
The other day, Hunter was picking his nose...
"Hunter, don't pick your nose."
"Because it is gross."
"But I'm hungry." so matter of fact!
The other day, Hunter was picking his nose...
"Hunter, don't pick your nose."
"Because it is gross."
"But I'm hungry." so matter of fact!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I need advice :)
I love being a stay at home mom, and I love my kids... but the last few days have been KILLER!!!! I need some major advice because right now I am ready to go work full time, 60 hour days because that has to be easier to take then what is going on...
I am sure I am going to sound DUMB or a bad mom.... but seriously, I am in need of some help. Haley and Hunter are awesome and I enjoy them a LOT... HEAPS... but NOT TOGETHER!!!! Haley by herself is so much fun, Hunter is a blast... but when the two of them get together we have a Whine Fest! Not only that they FIGHT over the most STUPIDEST things ever.... example... Haley said something was the color Silver.... Hunter said it was Grey.... WHO CARES... it is the same STUPID color!!!!!! Every time they whine or fight, I send them to their rooms until they can come out and talk normal... When they fight I like to listen to both sides of the story (if it is a legitimate fight... not over a color) ....
Maybe the kids sense my frustration and that is why they are acting out... WHO KNOWS!!!
I hate feeling like a bad parent... please any advice will be great...
I am sure I am going to sound DUMB or a bad mom.... but seriously, I am in need of some help. Haley and Hunter are awesome and I enjoy them a LOT... HEAPS... but NOT TOGETHER!!!! Haley by herself is so much fun, Hunter is a blast... but when the two of them get together we have a Whine Fest! Not only that they FIGHT over the most STUPIDEST things ever.... example... Haley said something was the color Silver.... Hunter said it was Grey.... WHO CARES... it is the same STUPID color!!!!!! Every time they whine or fight, I send them to their rooms until they can come out and talk normal... When they fight I like to listen to both sides of the story (if it is a legitimate fight... not over a color) ....
Maybe the kids sense my frustration and that is why they are acting out... WHO KNOWS!!!
I hate feeling like a bad parent... please any advice will be great...
Friday, May 09, 2008
Hunters letters to his Teacher
Thursday, May 08, 2008
A few kid stories
Haley and Gracie....
Gracie spent the night the other night and in the morning this was the conversation I over heard...
"my mom is thirty!" Haley says PROUDLY. :)
"well, my mom is older than your mom and my mom will ALWAYS be older than your mom" she states proudly... I had to side with Gracie on that one... sorry Deanne :)
ANOTHER Haley and Gracie....
This was a conversation I had with Haley yesterday. Background info... her kindergarten class is throwing a mothers day tea for us moms tomorrow and the girls have been picking out there outfit and talking about what they are going to wear all week.
"You know mama, Deanne is going to wear her wedding dress to the mothers day tea."
"She is huh?" thinking to myself, yeah, right.
"That is what Gracie said."
"Oh ok."
"So, mama, can you wear your wedding dress?"
"Oh, ahhhhh, I don't think I can fit into it."
"Because i have gotten bigger."
"So, mama, you can pin it."
crap, I think to myself, how do I get out of this.... "You know, I am not sure where my wedding dress is, Haley."
"So, can you borrow Nana's wedding dress?" She says so innocently and sweet.
"Oh Haley, I don't think Nana knows where her dress is either. Sorry hun."
Hunter story...
Remember when he said that he was the funniest.... (if you don't look back a few blog entries ago) This is a conversation Hunt and I had at family camp.
"Mom, I don't want to be funny anymore." He says so quietly looking at the bug on the ground.
"You don't? Why?"
"I don't want to be funny anymore. I want to be handsome."
Now if you tell him he is funny, he will correct you and tell you that he is not funny, that he is handsome.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Snails for sharing?
Wednesday came and we packed up our "pets" and walked to school. As we were walking, we had a few snails trying to escape.... that Hunter didnt want to carry the snails anymore so he asked our neighbor friend who walks with us every day if she would carry them.
When we got to school, Haley's teacher made such a big deal over the snails that Haley ended up bringing snails to share on Thursday... Nice...
Thursday, May 01, 2008
I am sad!
So when I found out Haley was a curly haired girl, I thought to myself, "Crap, I don't have the slightest idea how to do that kinda hair..." but then I learned and it was the easiest hair style to do! She came to be known by her beautiful curls...
It looks like her curls are going away, and I am sad now! Her hair was in a really big need for a trim. It was starting to be flat on the top and I thought that was because it was long, that if it got cut short the curls would come back.... right? So I took her to my friend Tara. Tara did a great job layering it and it looks really good, but her hair just isnt as curly on top as the bottom.... :( now if I want curl on the top of her head I have to curl it myself.... CRAP.... NOW I am sad that I have to do it... if I want her hair curly... :( I guess cutting it shorter doesnt bring back the curl... what was I thinking????
You know... I had curly hair when I was little and those curls went away... I guess I thought that once you hit a curtain age (say 5) what you have sticks...
Sad times...
Tara, her hair looks great and I do love it... :) thanks
So when I found out Haley was a curly haired girl, I thought to myself, "Crap, I don't have the slightest idea how to do that kinda hair..." but then I learned and it was the easiest hair style to do! She came to be known by her beautiful curls...
It looks like her curls are going away, and I am sad now! Her hair was in a really big need for a trim. It was starting to be flat on the top and I thought that was because it was long, that if it got cut short the curls would come back.... right? So I took her to my friend Tara. Tara did a great job layering it and it looks really good, but her hair just isnt as curly on top as the bottom.... :( now if I want curl on the top of her head I have to curl it myself.... CRAP.... NOW I am sad that I have to do it... if I want her hair curly... :( I guess cutting it shorter doesnt bring back the curl... what was I thinking????
You know... I had curly hair when I was little and those curls went away... I guess I thought that once you hit a curtain age (say 5) what you have sticks...
Sad times...
Tara, her hair looks great and I do love it... :) thanks
A day in San Diego.... and what a day it was!
Our adventure begins...
Below is us waiting for the bus.
We took the train to Old Town San Diego where we had lunch at the best Mexican Food Place ever... YUMMY... Below is Jake and Hunt... Friends :)
Now remember this is a HOT day so yes, my shorts dried quickly, but the smell lingered :)
So We are eating our ice cream when Jenn realizes she ran out of formula and her son, Luke needed to eat a half hour AGO... so we quickly eat our ice cream we had to take a loan out to buy and then jetted out to the train station.... to find we missed the train AGAIN.... our luck... so when the next train comes, it was SO FULL we couldn't get ONE person on let alone our whole group.... so we WALKED a few blocks to catch a different train line. My mom, who just had foot surgery, busts her toe on the walk....
Also, did I mention we only had a stroller for ONE CHILD so Hunt and Hay are WALKING TOO!!! They did great... they did get carried some of the time.... but overall, they rocked!
We had to wait almost an hour for THIS BUS to come....
Overall, it was fun... really it was, but it was definitely an adventure we will remember.... It would not have been fun if the kids were not having fun, but they had a blast and said that this was their favorite part of family camp.
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